Just picked up my two new goats they are three month old does. They seemed fine when I got there, no signs of trouble. Well on the way home I noticed one of the does seemed to be standing odd, I thought maybe she was not used to traveling in a car. She still seems ok, no fever, low temp, discharge, injuries, no bloating. But I will see her standing in the typical sick goat pose curved back, back legs together slightly bent ears and tail down, and eyes closed. Then she will seem fine not the perfect posture but nearly normal and running around and eating, drinking, pooping, peeing. Then back to that sick posture. Whats going on I've called the vet but the drs are all out and will call me when they get in. what could be wrong. I don't think they had the best upbringing, no pasture, tough stemy hay, sounds like they ate mostly grain. I haven't let them out on pasture yet, and they are eating the same brand for grain, the only differences are the hay (mostly grass hay) and the access to lose goat minerals. She doesn't seem bloated and her sister is fine. They were never wormed could worm overload cause this in a 3 month old, or is this just stress related illness or something worse. Please advise if you know, I'm worried.