Sick guinea


8 Years
May 25, 2011
I think guinea fowl might be beyond me. Bought 24 eggs, lost 4 along the way. 3 died without hatching although they had pipped internally. 7 died, 5 in one day. and now I have a sick guinea- neck arched back over body and legs straight out. It is doing the slow gasp that normally proceeds death- seen it so many times now. Any thoughts? I am so depressed...
No idea. Hope they get better. But i would probaly seperate it from the other chicks so they dont get it to.
Oh wow, very high mortality rate, how sad for you to have to deal with this, I'm sorry. I'll run down a list of things that come to mind as possible causes...

What was the incubator temp during incubation? Did you leave them in the incubator until they were dry, fluffed and moving around well? Their brooder needs to be 95 degrees F at one end only so they can get away from the heat of they need to... they can die from being too warm, they can die from being chilled.

What kind of starter feed are you feeding them? Is it medicated and if so what is it medicated with? Are they eating? Is it ground small enough fo them to eat easily? Is it fresh, no mold or small insects in it? Are they drinking water on their own yet? Is there feed and water close enough to them?

Are they on shavings for bedding? If so put them on towels, paper towels or rubberized shelf liner ASAP. They could be ingesting their bedding and getting impacted (and cedar tannins are toxic to keets).

If none of these possible issues are not the case with your keets, then you may just have a batch of genetically messed up eggs that came from bad breeding stock

Add some electrolytes to the water for the rest of the keets, quickly dip their beaks a few times a day at least and make sure they get a few swallows (if you have not done this already).

Hope you figure it out and do not lose any more
Hi thanks for the reply. The guineas hatched 30 Jul, and the really bad day was on 05 Aug. I thought we had got past that, but losing the one today has really knocked me. Ducks were way easier!

I had the temp set at 37.5C and between 50-60 humidity. They stayed in until fluffed up. Moved into a plastic box heat pad at one end of box, and then added a low wattage bulb. They can move to cooler end of box. Towels draped over top instead of lid. They are on shavings but having watched them lots and they are not eating it, the shaves are too big. They have water with marbles in, they are drinking happily. I am grinding their food, a mix of non-medicated grower, wheat, chamomile, oatmeal- we have ducks/geese and they do well on this as littlies. I have also put ground grass bits/courgette in as well. No mould as fresh ground each day. The others seem to be eating it happily. I also give them some mealworms every other day.

Hope the remaining ones keep growing they are getting their wing feathers already!
Any diarrhea issues with the others? Maybe take a sample to a vet to do a fecal test?
Is there a possibility of fertilizers or insecticides being on the ground up grass?
Maybe the ground mix of foods you are giving them is causing them some issues. I think at this point I'd try switching them over to just a straight high protein starter feed crumble (28%-30% protein) until they are a little older, just to eliminate any possible food issues.
My only other thoughts would be a possible contaminated brooder, feeder or waterer... is it the same equipment that you used to brood your ducks with?

I do still highly recommend the electrolytes. Feed stores over here usually sell poultry electrolytes with vitamins already added to them. Dry packets that you mix up into water, mixing a new batch daily. If you cannot find those, electrolyte drinks for children will work too.

I've dealt with lots of keet brooding issues, but I'm at a loss here, wish I had the answer for you.

Good luck with the rest!
Thanks- no diarrhoea, but just noticed a pasty butt or two. All the kit used has not been used for the ducklings, but I cleaned it all before using it out of habit. We don't use anything other than organic on the land, as we have dogs that like to eat grass along with the geese, ducks, chickens etc!

Am going to move them to a different area tomorrow and see if that stops whatever it is from taking any more. I hoped to have enough that I could not give them all names, but at this rate I am going to incurr the wrath of the husband
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that is such a bummer. Sounds like you are getting good advice and trying to get it worked out. I thought guineas were a breeze after trying to get wood ducks going. I lost 13 before I realized what I was doing wrong. only saved 5 this year
but trial and error is the only way to get it. I had so much help getting the last 5 to live.
hope the others work out and stay strong for you!!!
Now down to 5. Lost the latest yesterday, saw one looking a bit quieter than the rest, not eating or doing the guinea stuff... brought it in, gave it some dehydration solution and put it in the incubator. Within an hour it was gone. Did the flip head back thing, extend the legs, then died. No diarrhoea, it pooped as it breathed its last

These guys are so hard on my heart...cute but just such a puzzle. Last 5 look ok, but I have been saying the same thing with reducing numbers

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