Sick hen ? Help ? I'm out of ideas.


May 3, 2021
Alright guys thinking caps ! Sick hen ?

Starters apologies for format I'm on mobile .

I have a young hen (hatch mates have started laying) that just seemingly isn't right . She is a literal bag of bones that I don't know how she's still here .

She won't eat chicken feed I've tried multiple types . I can only get her to eat feed if I mix into oatmeal and even then she only picks at it. Will eat fruits (blueberries and such but hard to keep those in supply here)

Her eyes are fine , her nose is fine , no sneezing/wheezing , poops are good , she has a poopy butt I keep taking care of that I think is because of her poor posture. She doesn't preen she doesn't dust bathe (I have her inside to keep an eye on her)

Have given her electrolytes and probiotics , treated for parasites . Nothing seems to help. She seems happy but she is just so weak all the time , she lays down and gets up on her own but if she gets her legs crossed or tangled she can't get up on her own. For lack of a better way to put it she seems like she's mentally a little slow.

Any ideas guys? Suggestions or anything would be helpful . She needs to gain some weight I have no idea why she doesn't because she does eat just not chicken feed. I've been given her broccoli and fruits and plain oatmeal and scrambled/boiled eggs and actual shredded chicken as it's all I can get her to eat

This has been going on for months but she's hanging in there.
She might have a bacterial disease. Bacterial diseases and viruses usually cause weight loss and chickens to be lethargic. I would go to the vet and have them check her out. If they can't find anything wrong with her, I would honestly suggest putting her down. I wouldn't want you or your hen to suffer.
Honestly, she sounds like somethings not right in the noodle department and other areas like growth. She was likely born with those issues and they don't get better with time, I'm sorry.
Have given her electrolytes and probiotics , treated for parasites . Nothing seems to help. She seems happy but she is just so weak all the time , she lays down and gets up on her own but if she gets her legs crossed or tangled she can't get up on her own. For lack of a better way to put it she seems like she's mentally a little slow.
Where are you located in the world?
How did you treat parasites (product, dose, etc.)?

What is the normal feed that you give - layer feed, starter?

I'd focus on her eating her normal feed, try sprinkling some scrambled egg over it to entice her or offer the feed wet. Start cutting the oatmeal back, it's not that nutritionally dense and it's gummy, so this may be contributing to the poopy butt.
Cut the veggies and fruits too. A SMALL portion of 1 that you mention is probably o.k. but she needs to be eating a nutritionally balanced feed.

You mention young, but not the age. Symptoms you describe can be from many things, nutritional deficiency, failure to thrive, Marek's disease...many things.

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