

Dec 28, 2019
Hello I am a chicken owner from Austintown. Quiet recently one of our chickens has fallen ill. I have tried to follow along with other threads but couldn't find what I was looking for. I'm hoping by posting this I can get some help.
So the chicken I am trying so get help for is a White Leghorn named Popstar. She had fallen ill last winter too, but she bounced back very quickly. This year is different though, she is worse. She won't walk, won't eat, and won't drink. We forced her to drink today but she's not getting better. Last year we almost lost her, but somehow we didn't. I don't think it'll be the same this year. Her feathers are fluffed out, she has lost interest in everything, she can't stand by herself, and just overall just seems to have lost her will to live. Her comb is very pale and tough, and the scales on her legs are loose.
Can someone give me an idea what to do please? Thanks for any help.
We welcome you to BYC. I’m so sorry you’re dealing with this! :hugs
It does help to know about age, and when she last laid an egg.
Mites and worms are things things to look for.
It sounds like at the least, you need to tube feed her water. Don’t worry, it’s not too scary. I’ll be right back with the link to the thread I prefer.
Lots more questions to answer....

How old is she?
What feed do you use?
Did she molt this fall?
When did she last lay an egg?
Have you checked for lice and mites?
Have you had a fecal float test run to rule out worms?
2 years old
Purina Layer feed
None of our chickens have laid since fall

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