sick one day, good the next, sick chick :(


5 Years
Aug 30, 2014
I recently bought a 4 week old chick.
He is sick, but was recovering.
He had an issue in which his beak had mucus, but he was not sneezing or wheezing.
He was constantly falling asleep and being lethargic. He had swollen eyes and watery mucus poop.
I started giving him vitamin and treating him with corrid.
I also was feeding him egg and cottage cheese.
He was starting to run around and following me everywhere! eat everything and be happy.
he no longer had mucus in his nose and was pooping fine. his eyes are not swollen anymore.

I did that for a week, but didn't do it for 2 days.
now he has mucus coming from his mouth, one beak nostril is red and he is back to being lethargic, his poop is yellow and he keeps scratching himself.

Any advice?

I really love this chick.
Thank you.
Hello there and welcome to BYC!

I am so sorry about your little chick. I am not sure what is going on here. You might post this in our emergency section for even our raising chicks section for more help with your baby...

I hope someone can help you in one or both of these places.
Have you seen any mites or lice on him- you have to part the feathers and really look hard.
Has he passed any worms in his poo. He may have both problems. Sounds like someone sold/ you a sick baby. Does he eat grower food for chickens? Is he drinking well?

Can you describe any other symptoms? Is he kept in a brooder . If he is only 4 weeks old he needs to have supplemental heat - unless you live in a very hot area. At birth a chick should have temps. of 95, each week you lower it 5 degrees- so his area should be 80 degrees or so. Chicks can get sick from being too cold, in a drafty place, etc. , fed improperly etc., or caught an illness from other birds before they can build an immunity.

Have you told the person who sold you the chick, that he is ill .Have you asked about the other chicks, and what you should do about yours?
Hello everyone! Thank you so much for your kindness!
So, this past week, I spent a lot of time with this chick.
Only to realize that another chick also got sick.
They are both very healthy now and very happy.

What I did. :love

I gave them an interesting recipe.

-shallow plastic container
-2 small boiled eggs (chopped)
-1 garlic clove (very finely chopped)
- 1 organic womens multi vitamin (opened the pill and poured out 1/2 teaspoon)
- 1 amoxicillin pill (used 1/4)
- a pinch of cyan pepper
- spoon full of olive oil
-enough water to cover the eggs

- gently put them all together!
I did this for a week straight.

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