Sick with worry! HELP!

She's so cute! I hope she will survive how is she doing? She's beautiful!
Thank you! We think she is so beautiful! She was a "late bloomer" and always the underdog and we love her. She is hanging in there but we are struggling with the poop. She just can't seem to go.
Okay. Now that I've read through the thread... this is similar to what happened to Seneca.

@FlemingFarms, don't be stingy on the coconut oil. I wouldn't hesitate to give her 2 tsps. Is she still drinking well?
You can get stimulant free stool softener at WM:
View attachment 2927846

Pop one of these in her beak also.
I would continue to withhold feed until she defecates but continue to offer her as much fresh clean water as she wants.

At this point I would soak her in another warm bath for about 10 minutes then glove up (or not) and insert a lubricated finger slowly and carefully into her vent and feel for either a poop clog or an egg. If she is making the low occasional bock... bock grunt, she is straining and may be getting exhausted trying to force out what is in her.

When my hen became constipated due to her ordeal, I manually "scooped" some of the poop out of her and she was able to push out a great deal after that.

If your hen doesn't produce a bowel movement within 2 hours of the above treatment AND SHE IS DRINKING WELL you could also try giving her about 1/4 of a pedia-lax enema. Also found at WM:
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I would do this as a last resort and she needs to drink a lot of water to rebalance her hydration if you have to resort to this.
Thank you! I will try to pull it out. I'm worried about hurting her but i think she needs the help at this point. Doesn't seem like the warm baths helped. Will report back after I get another close look. Hubby isn't here so I've got to deal solo *nervous wreck
Thank you! We think she is so beautiful! She was a "late bloomer" and always the underdog and we love her. She is hanging in there but we are struggling with the poop. She just can't seem to go.
What's her name and breed? She looks like a americana! I would love to see more pics of her! We have a silky mix that looks just one her her name is Crispy! I really hope your little chicken lives! I would take her to a vet if you can! You could give her neosporin on her wound and have her be a inside chicken!( Ok I'm kidding about keeping her inside!) But you really should have her be inside entel she gets better! And when my duck had a raccoon attack we soaked her in epsom salt and put neosporin on her wounds and she survived we also brought her camping and was inside intel she got better she also had to go to the vet and have surgery!I really hope your chicken survives she looks so sweet!
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Yes! My husband is going to get me some antibiotic ointment for her. I will happily post more pics I would LOVE to know what breed she is. OMG I DIDN"T KNOW about needing more protein. I will switch them back to 20%. I do provide oyster shell and grit always along with their food and snacks (I leave those dishes down and just keep them filled). I had no idea about the pecking issues related to protein! I think maybe that plus the "too much light" might have been a very bad combo for this sweet girl. (Realized the light has been on inside the coop for too long. I thought it was on a timer but apparently, I was mistaken) There are many places to hide and she often does. I'm guessing she's been picked on more than I knew. She was a late bloomer and just recently grew in her full feathers (she was born in June)
Make sure it’s the regular antibiotic ointment and not the one that includes a painkiller.
What's her name and breed? She looks like a americana! I would love to see more pics of her! We have a silky mix that looks just one her her name is Crispy! I really hope your little chicken lives! I would take her to a vet if you can! You could give her neosporin on her wound and have her be a inside chicken!( Ok I'm kidding about keeping her inside!) But you really should have her be inside entel she gets better! And when my duck had a raccoon attack we soaked her in epsom salt and put neosporin on her wounds and she survived we also brought her camping and was inside intel she got better she also had to go to the vet and have surgery!I really hope your chicken survives she looks so sweet!
Her name is Brownie. :D:D (Real original, I know) because she was the only dark brown chick that came with the bunch. We think she is a rumpless Araucana. We have been treating the wounds with a poultry wound spray and that part is healing nicely. It's just the pooper problem now and the broken toe. Otherwise she seems to be on her way to recovery. She's the underdog and a real trooper! We just love her. She'll stay inside until the weather warms up probably. Unless it becomes a huge issue.
Try carefully using a tweezer to grab as much as you can of the obstructing material to gently pull it out.

@Eggcessive @azygous might have another idea on how to get the plug out. I just tagged them, let's see what their ideas are.
Ok, I climbed into the cage with her so I wouldn't have to manhandle her. She let me use the tweezers and I was able to get some blockage and then a stream of horrific smelling nasty yellowishbrown ooze ran out. Kept at it until she wasn't cooperative any more, dabbed it off with warm water and am giving her a little break. Gave some Coconut Oil this morning and will give a little more next time I do more. I've removed the food from the cage and she is drinking water. I'm going to go to the next town over and see if I can get the stool softener. This reminds me of being a new mom (over 30 years ago) hahaha. I feel so inadequate and worried!
Ok, I climbed into the cage with her so I wouldn't have to manhandle her. She let me use the tweezers and I was able to get some blockage and then a stream of horrific smelling nasty yellowishbrown ooze ran out. Kept at it until she wasn't cooperative any more, dabbed it off with warm water and am giving her a little break. Gave some Coconut Oil this morning and will give a little more next time I do more. I've removed the food from the cage and she is drinking water. I'm going to go to the next town over and see if I can get the stool softener. This reminds me of being a new mom (over 30 years ago) hahaha. I feel so inadequate and worried!
Good for you! That's exactly what you needed to do just to get her to be able to expel the feces on her own. If she continues to be able to defecate without assistance, you can offer her a wet mash made out of her feed.
I saw that you feed Dumor. I personally have not heard good things about that brand. I would consider switching her over to Flock Raiser.

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