Side-by-side comparison reference shots

Ol Grey Mare

One egg shy of a full carton. .....
8 Years
Mar 9, 2014
My Coop
My Coop
Going through some pictures and found some I have of cockerels & pullets together that really illustrate differences and thought some of you may have some to. Mixed flock keepers dont always have the advantage of more than one of a breed to compare....thought it would be fun for us to share what we can:

First brood of this year brought me a leghorn he is with a pullet from same hatch date, 5 weeks at time of pic (gender was apparent by three weeks, just didnt get a good side-by-side then)

Two years ago I ended up with a barred rock pair....the single/double barring was glaring as soon as they started to feather, managed to find two shots of them together...about 3 & 6 weeks


Anybody have some other comparative pics you could share? I know that newbies are often not sure of what to look for or how to interpret what they are seeing.....

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