Sigh, I think we may be losing our 10 year old BR*Update~she's gone: (

This is her a few months ago. If I didn't watch her eat with that over grown beak I'd worry that she couldn't. But she's seemed to do just fine and I haven't got a clue what to do about it anyway! She was "helping" us fence in the vegetable garden in the spring
We've had to trim Zane's beak lately. Since he's not out doing regular chicken things, it's gotten overgrown and made it harder for him to pick up his food. We just used a tiny pair of wirecutter things on his.
I guess we'll just say that she's long in the tooth............(or beak)
We don't care if she's raggety looking. It's because she's had a fun life so far.
Awww, bless her heart. She's adorable. But I've got a thing for BRs! It sounds like she's had a good, long life.
I hope my Betty and Sweet Pea live to be 10.
She's beautiful! I really want another BR. I had one and she was so sweet, she'd start talking to me everytime I went out.

I hope I can keep my hens around that long.

No she's no ragamuffin. She's a very elegant lady. That is such a neat story that she just moved in with you and has had such a rich full life.
She doesn't take any stuff from anybody. I don't know how she does it but any new chicken introduced into our flock learns very quickly not to mess with her. And she's not the least bit aggressive about it. She just has this air about her! The roosters probably each went after her once and that was that!
We're going to try trimming her beak this weekend to make sure she is getting enough food. She has access to the same feeder as the other chickens plus there's a deep dish we use in the yard for all the birds. I bought crumbles last time so they'd be easier for her.
Update, she's really listless. I think it's too late to do anything to help her. I don't want to put her through the stress of trimming her beak. She is in the garden shed in some nice clean dry straw with a deep dish of food, a pan of water and some warm oatmeal. I don't think she'll make it until lunchtime.

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