10 Week Old Suddenly Off Her Feet


May 23, 2022
Hi all,

I'm looking for some insight.

I've got a 10 week old pullet that I found this evening off her feet, previously been absolutely fine. No sign of injury, as such, but one wing seems higher than the other and her feet don't seem to be working quite right.

I've bound one wing to her body (we've done similar previously that's worked well on a hen with an injured wing).

We've popped her in the coop because she's in the special needs coop anyway and when we found her in the run the others hadn't gone into the coop like usual and were instead huddled around her looking like they were keeping her warm like they do with our special needs hen.

My query is does anyone have any insight into what could be causing this, it's not particularly cold here, the lowest -1C. She's got growers but there is also layers feed for the other hens, could her be eating the wrong food cause it?

or has anyone experienced this before? She's a sweet little thing and I'll be disappointed if anything happens to her, she's the only of her dad's offspring and he was a sweet boy too.
We've popped her in the coop because she's in the special needs coop anyway

10 week old pullet that I found this evening off her feet, previously been absolutely fine. No sign of injury, as such, but one wing seems higher than the other and her feet don't seem to be working quite right.
She was in the special needs coop before she became unwell - was there a reason or concern about her health before this?

Can you please post photos of her and her poop?

I would feed her chick starter or grower feed - whichever is a higher protein and low in calcium. Aim for 18-20% protein.

Feet don't work right - can you explain - is she wobbly, can't walk very well...?

A video of her actions may be helpful - upload video to youtube and provide a link.
She really should be on the grower feed but I'm not sure if it's causing the issues. Have you tried a vitamin boost?
She is on growers but there is layers in the coop, from what we've seen she's been eating the growers but we're not there all the time.
I'm taking a vitamin supplemented water down to her this morning.
She was in the special needs coop before she became unwell - was there a reason or concern about her health before this?

Can you please post photos of her and her poop?

I would feed her chick starter or grower feed - whichever is a higher protein and low in calcium. Aim for 18-20% protein.

Feet don't work right - can you explain - is she wobbly, can't walk very well...?

A video of her actions may be helpful - upload video to youtube and provide a link.
No she was 100% perfect health, we needed the nursery coop for something else and so her and her mum where moved in here about 2 weeks ago.

We've got chick crumb so I'll take that down to her.

Her poop is normal but I'll get pictures of her and it.

It's difficult to describe, we stood her up and she just stumbles to the floor onto the side with the odd wing. One foot seem curled under but then straightened. I'm alone today but ill try and video her. It's like she can't stay upright maybe because of this odd wing, she's wobble to the point she can't stand or walk just falls to one side immediately.
She's the same this morning. She doesn't bare weight at all, we've tried supporting her but she leans to the right and if unsupported just falls straight onto her side.

She's eating and drinking if held to it and I have her on chick crumb and vitamin water.

I'd start on her vitamins and see if that helps. 1/4 tablet B-Complex daily and 400IU Vitamin E, just pop the pills into the beak and let her swallow.
Feed chick starter or grower. Give a bit of scrambled egg as a daily treat, this will boost protein and help with the uptake of E.

Hopefully this is injury or nutritional instead of disease like Marek's.

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