Sigh, I think we may be losing our 10 year old BR*Update~she's gone: (

Oh my! My coworkers think I'm crazy as I explain as to why I am wiping tears away. She was a beautiful hen. I only hope I can give as much and do as well with my chicks as you have done with her. (((HUGS))).
Thanks Miss P. It always hurts. We're about to plant two new apple trees. She will be buried between them I think. She's earned a special place!

I'm so sorry for you loss. That sounds like a wonderful place to bury her. She deserves it! She sounds like she was a special girl.
Oh I am sorry she is gone but I am happy she had such a wonderful life with a family who loved her. How much more could you ask for? I think she has earned that special place and between two apple trees is a fabulous resting place for her.
Thanks everyone. It was very bittersweet burying her this evening. My son said a little prayer and goodbye. Then I gave a bunch of chopped veggies to the others!
At least she had a wonderful life with you and her flock.....she was indeedly blessed to have you as her owner! Sorry for the loss and keep her in your memories forever!

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