*sigh* I'm loosing my touch. (Warning: Hi-jacked by Em)

Had a weird experience last night. As I mentioned, I had felt sort of 'punky' all day. Went to bed early for an early wake up this AM. About the time that the Princess came home from opening night of her play my body was hit with pain for a duration of only 2 or 3 minutes
. Right shoulder and arm, right side of neck, right side - intense pain of the sort that if it had continued or if it had been on the left side we'd have called 911. As quickly as it hit, so it left as if someone turned off the 'pain switch'. Any ideas - some sort of virus? I have a bad old man's shoulder anyway and I had carried feed bags into the house yesterday. I'll admit that it was sort of scary. Woke at 4:30 this AM feeling fine and off to a field trial I went.

The trial was fun ran two young b*tches in two separate classes. Baby Jayne, 13 months old and competing against mature dogs, got a 3rd place at her first event and her first time around strange environment, people and dogs. I was very proud of her. Brenna Brown ran very well on her first run, but in second series she did not do well, but for her first time out I was pleased. Tomorrow it's back again with my two males that were campaigning last year. I'll report back tomorrow night.
Do you, perchance, have an announcement to make?

Good to hear you had a good time with the dogs. Maybe Brenna Brown just needs a little more experience to get her to settle down?
I've certainly seen rabbits that behaved very, very differently at shows than they did at home.

That pain in the neck, etc,sounds more like a pinched nerve than anything else I can think of (but hey, what do I know).
Fun day... The 7yo ripped half his thumb off, down to the bone (you could see the thumb bone... It was bad!) He got 11 stitches, a splint, a toy, and three doses of morphine at the ER, and now he's on the fold-out bed, snuggled up to Daddy, fast asleep.
First ER trip of the year! Yay... :th

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