*sigh* I'm loosing my touch. (Warning: Hi-jacked by Em)

Oh, my! Poor Tadpole!

Snuggled up and asleep is a good place to be after trauma like that (for all involved, I'm sure!) Fortunately, the young heal quickly. Prayers and hugs.
Hey, Java!

Just one question - have you ever seen Sour doing the broody dance?

Wisher, please! Don't go there!

Fun day... The 7yo ripped half his thumb off, down to the bone (you could see the thumb bone... It was bad!) He got 11 stitches, a splint, a toy, and three doses of morphine at the ER, and now he's on the fold-out bed, snuggled up to Daddy, fast asleep.
First ER trip of the year! Yay...
How in the world did he do THAT?!?!?! Poor little guy!
He and his brothers were racing around the porch in our big wagon, and his hand got caught in the wheel.

Funny enough, only a few minutes before the accident, I had yelled out for them to slow down. Tadpole had yelled back, "we aren't gonna get hurt, loser!" This might be considered irony.
He and his brothers were racing around the porch in our big wagon, and his hand got caught in the wheel.

Funny enough, only a few minutes before the accident, I had yelled out for them to slow down. Tadpole had yelled back, "we aren't gonna get hurt, loser!" This might be considered irony.
Oh, yes, "I won't get hurt" and "nothin's gonna happen" fall right behind "hey guys, watch this" in the list of things you never want to hear a guy say.

Originally Posted by Bunnylady

Hey, Java!

Just one question - have you ever seen Sour doing the broody dance?

And just where is JD anyway, I had a good joke for him!!!

Real life is keeping him pretty busy these days.
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Tani, did you use your special 'karma' powers on your smart mouth little brother?

Early to bed last night - at 9:30 the smoke detector starts going 'beep'------'beep'------'beep'---- "I need a new battery". So I put in a new battery - incorrectly!
Back to bed at 10 up at 4:30 and out of the house at 5 to drive 135 miles in the fog to a field trial where Uncle Jay garnered a paltry 4th. I am getting too old to do this, but what else can I do? Play golf?
Sour, only you could put a 9-volt battery in wrong!

But how do electronics know what the most inconvenient time for them to get needy? I can't count the number of times we have had smoke alarms do the battery beep in the middle of the night, or cell phones wake us from a sound slumber with a gentle insistence that their batteries must be recharged.

Nope, Sour, can't say I can see you wandering around, smacking a little white ball - though it would give you plenty of opportunity to knock things into water.
Golf course between the moats!
Why didn't I think of that. The giant doodlebug sand traps would be a treat, and then there would be the water hazards---- Let's arrange a tournament.

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