*sigh* I'm loosing my touch. (Warning: Hi-jacked by Em)

What did I just watch ?
Those hats are so weird ......
My fav part was the chickens!!!
That, my dear younger, was what passed for entertainment in 1962.
Howdy, Tani.:frow  Feeling better?

A little bit. My throat is still sore, my nose still stuffy, and my voice still a gravelly whisper, but at least the fever is gone and I'm not throwing up anymore. I might even be well enough to go Sparkly hunting on Sunday!

Also, you know you're on this thread too much when your phone autocorrects random words to "Sparkly."
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A little bit. My throat is still sore, my nose still stuffy, and my voice still a gravelly whisper, but at least the fever is gone and I'm not throwing up anymore. I might even be well enough to go Sparkly hunting on Sunday!

Also, you know you're on this thread too much when your phone autocorrects random words to "Sparkly."
I've seen autocorrect do far more awkward things.
I had the flu shot. Please tell me that I can NOT get the flu. something has been working at me for the past week or so - headaches, slight sore throat, slightly draining sinuses - tired. Maybe a weaker version? Perhaps I have some immunity? Please.
I have to get up at 4:30 tomorrow to go to a field trial, and so starts another season. I'm too old for this!
I don't know about "can't", 1d3 and minidoodle had the shot, and they both caught it, didn't they? But Critter's been fighting the same sore throat, etc, for the last few days. The only time I had the flu, it came on like gangbusters - no pussyfooting about with it, at all. Take care of yourself - don't need our Broody Magician laid up.
I had the flu shot.  Please tell me that I can NOT get the flu.  something has been working at me for the past week or so - headaches, slight sore throat, slightly draining sinuses - tired.  Maybe a weaker version?  Perhaps I have some immunity?  Please.  :fl   I have to get up at 4:30 tomorrow to go to a field trial, and so starts another season.  I'm too old for this!

The flu has over 1000 different strains, and each shot only takes care of a specific one. You could easily have caught one of the varieties that your shot didn't cover. Sorry. :(

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