*sigh* I'm loosing my touch. (Warning: Hi-jacked by Em)

So it looks like I do have the flu... Ugh. Life is no fun.
But, I did get my job today! Yay!! I have to read Austen, of all the luck!
I'm getting payed to read Persuasion!

I hate you so much right now.
There is both good and bad in that. Sorry that you did not get the job, but good for the girl who you feel needed it more. You are one of the good guys.
You're building good karma!
There is both good and bad in that. Sorry that you did not get the job, but good for the girl who you feel needed it more. You are one of the good guys.
You're building good karma!
Thanks, Sour.... It's times like this when I get sick of being the good guy, but hey, good karma is good. I've never really subscribed to that chain of thought, but hey, positive thinking is good, abnormal or not.
There are other jobs out there, I'm sure. But geeze, they aren't easy to find.
(The Comrade has applied four places in the last week and a half, and hasn't heard back from anybody.)
Tani: Answer your phone, girl! :rant Otherwise I have no shoulder to cry on, and I'll have to resign myself to sitting in the corner and pouting, and that's not half as much fun.

Sorry, I was napping. Plus my throat is so sore and my mind so scrambled I'd make a poor conversation partner. :/

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