*sigh* I'm loosing my touch. (Warning: Hi-jacked by Em)

It is 'rite warm' here, too. We have had a couple of cool nights, but day time temps have been in the 80s. I took DS#3 and his pup to the river this afternoon. He got in on purpose, she got in by accident, I stayed on the bank, but brought home some nice driftwood that I gathered along the boat ramp.
Wisher, I have to say either you are braver than I am or the boat landings there are a whole lot less crowded than here in SC!
This weekend is a total zoo at most of the landings here.
This is a special place. It belongs to my brother's best friend and it is incredible. The boat landing is private and there is a huge concrete parking lot that used to be a place where they stockpiled coal for loading onto barges. There are some cracks in the concrete where methane gas leaks out all the time. They keep them lit and it is usually a flame about two feet wide and about five feet tall. The owner keeps it planted with flowers, grasses, and fruit trees. There are huge boulders along the road and around the sides of the boat landing. I put my towel on a big rock and watched them play. It sits back off the main part of the river, at the mouth of a slough. I could watch the boats and jet skis zipping up and down the river, but none were there with us. It was nice and secluded and just what I needed for a couple of hours.
Way cool, Wisher! "Private" here means someones backyard, or a "gated" community with no access!
But the public landings are free and well maintained, but crowded as all get out on holiday wekends.
The public dock here is on the Ohio River. The park in town is
on the river. The boat club is a few miles downriver in a feeder

Either one crowded this weekend I would bet.

Spook did own a pontoon for a few years. It was a nice boat
but what a foolish thing for the Spook to own. Did I ever say
I don't like the water?

I like being NEAR the water. I don't like being IN the water.
Love watching the river. Hated being in the water. Do not like
my sheet wet at all.

Makes as much sense as my putting the pool in the backyard.
My wife and daughter like it.

Spook....who lives on dry land.
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Critter had hoped to take his boat out this weekend, but decided the weather was too cool. You remember his boat, right - the 49'er? For those unfamiliar with them, a 49'er is a ridiculously small sailboat with an outrageous amount of sail that is intended to go insanely fast. I think 49 is an estimate of the number of times you will capsize per outing with the unruly thing. Particularly as breezy as it was yesterday, Critter figured he'd spend as much time in the water as on it, and it just wasn't worth the drive (the lake where he keeps it is over an hour drive away from here).
"*sigh* I'm losing my touch"------- 3' of snow on the NY/VT border in the Whiteface Mt area. I've got to get that GPS adjusted properly so that Alaskan can receive my 'present'.
Spook did own a pontoon for a few years. It was a nice boat
but what a foolish thing for the Spook to own. Did I ever say
I don't like the water?

Spook....who lives on dry land.

I would not have pegged you for a member of "The Redneck Yatch Club," Spook. Are you sure you are not from Alabama? If you have ever heard Craig Morgan's country song by that title, you know how time is spent on the Black Warrior River. As a matter of fact, I know the people in that song...
"*sigh* I'm losing my touch"------- 3' of snow on the NY/VT border in the Whiteface Mt area.  I've got to get that GPS adjusted properly so that Alaskan can receive my 'present'.  :rant

Sour.... You forgot... I now worship the air you breath, and because I have bowed to you, and acknowledge your awesomeness.......you will no longer send me coldness!

I only have a FEW patches of snow left........

Alaskan.... Panicked about choosing a new avatar

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