*sigh* I'm loosing my touch. (Warning: Hi-jacked by Em)

Sour, renting leaking canoes to the tourists won't help make the "magical kingdom" a hot spot for return customers! But the youngers could rent their buckets out for bailing, helping the economy!
But I doubt the green potato salad will be a big draw!

Sorry, Alaskan, you missed the 'HOT' once again.
Okay, who're the jokesters? Seriously? I know we like our foolishness here in the kingdom, but shaving cream and sharpie markers, really? What are we, 12? Just because I fell asleep here in the kingdom last night is no reason to play childish jokes on the sitting monarch. I have no doubt I will discover other pranks as time goes by, but if anyone posts video of me snoring with my mouth open, it's off with your head! I have started a full scale investigation, those responsible will be uncovered. It will fare better with you if you just confess now and accept your consequences.

Not funny........
The flight yesterday was amazing! Today the fam is driving to Charleston. Then we're taking a boat ride to Ft. Sumpter. Atlanta tomorrow, staying until the big wedding on Saturday! :weee
Well, you know it wasn't me, Wisher. I can't seem to handle a Sharpie without getting ink on me - even if I leave the cap on.
Look - see? I'm clean!

Oh, hey Tani!

I was wondering how the weather in Charlotte was. We got thunderstomped all day; wasn't sure how far inland the drama extended. Charleston is great - have fun!
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