*sigh* I'm loosing my touch. (Warning: Hi-jacked by Em)

But, :bun lady, what you are really saying, is that no one needs to go to school ever.

We just need to watch all seasons of Star Trek.

Okie Dokie, Alaskan can do that. :D

Though, truly, to be truly educated, all seasons of Start Trek AND the first 7 years of Doctor Who. Hummmm, and maybe Speed Racer.
Ooh! And the really old Hanna-Barbera,

"George, George, George of the jungle, WATCH OUT FOR THAT TREEEEEE!"

But the Tricerotops that could shoot stuff from it's central horn was cool too.
And the marshmallow dude. With the mushroom house.....was that he-man?


Alaskan has left the realm of any intellectual anything......

Maybe we should return to Star Trek and Doctor Who.
"There is no rest for the home-schooled?"

Or the Vail-ians- school starts for us July 19th. I'm in public school for the first time this year.
Or the Vail-ians- school starts for us July 19th. I'm in public school for the first time this year.

Oooooooh. *shudder*. (Barfing emoticon)

Buck up sweet younger. You are brilliant enough that you should be able to keep the other kiddies from stepping on your toes.

And, glory to God, this too shall pass. :D

(So, just how blatantly obvious is it that Alaskan hated school). :lau
Pug Update: Last night they decided that a pink pillow on one of the chairs (it's been there since they arrived) was the enemy and went into a 20 minute paroxysm of screaming. I finally threw it on the living room floor, and they ran, terrified of the 'monster', into the dining room.
I also introduced them to the pigeons. That's a story in and of itself.

Yesterday was a good day - no accidents all day long. I thought, "
, we've got this made." Wrong! After they ate, I waited a bit and then took them outside. We walked around for 20 minutes' they carried out bodily functions, and we returned to the house. 15 minutes later I smell something. Into the dining room I go followed by my pug entourage. Yep, somebody defecated. I asked, "Who did this?" Otis's tail went straight and he raced into the living room to Elaine. When she reached to 'console' him, he flinched away in fear. That boy was abused in a past life.

These dogs just don't get that the house is not a toilet.
No, the front yard is a toilet much to the chagrin of the Princess - not the house. The house is pristine.

Was pristine ' pre-pugs'.

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