*sigh* I'm loosing my touch. (Warning: Hi-jacked by Em)

come on...you know you wanna!
Alaskan has entered the season of: wash well and thoroughly, put on clean undies, clean long johns, and then do not EVER take them off again!

yep.....AND, as Alaskan tries to warm up on the couch with a blankie and a nice toasty warm laptop and steamy cup of coffee.....Alaskan thinks that there was some miss-judgement, Alaskan thinks that the layer of long johns that are NEVER removed, need to be upgraded to TWO LAYERS OF LONG JOHNS!

Here Alaskan sits, long johns, regular clothes, fleece shirt, fleece jacket, blanket, warm lap top, AND ALASKAN IS SHIVERING!

this is just wrong! WRONG WRONG
We had frost last night, for the first time this season. Today's high - mid 60's. Tonight's low - mid 40's; we are going into a warming trend that will have the nighttime lows heading back up near today's high by mid-week.

I'll bet some of the folks who were competing in the triathlon this morning were wishing they had some long johns. I didn't realize this thing had become such a big event, but there were hundreds of them whizzing past me on bicycles. Some were wearing jackets and leggings, while others who were tougher or just didn't come prepared were wearing sleeveless jerseys and shorts. I don't know what time they were expected to hit the water, but I'll bet it was still warmer than the air temperature!
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First frost here today - late for us. Time for me to break out the long johns. Unlike Alaskan I change them daily - call me old fashioned. The Princess does not like to snuggle if I smell bad.
If I swam better, I would consider doing a triathlon.

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