*sigh* I'm loosing my touch. (Warning: Hi-jacked by Em)


The children are going crazy!

One just explained to me that George Washington and Abraham Lincoln are the same because they both end in 'N'
Well, of course they are the same! They are both Americans (a word that also ends with "N" - see how that works?)
Well, it's time for the Full Moon Winter Solstice dance - a truly pivotal time of the year. I'm a bit concerned - hoping that the ice crust on the snow does not injure the feet of the dancers. The cold - heck, we can handle that. Perhaps we will be forced to dance while wearing boots. In my memory the dance has never been conducted while only wearing boots. One would think that it might cut down on the freedom of the dance. Tomorrow night - come one, come all, no admission.
The only guilt is by association, Alaskan.

Gads, Sour, crusted snow is the pits. I can still remember the almost permanent bruises on my shins from trying to walk through it as a kid. Maybe you could arrange a change of venue?
Would you believe that once upon a time long, long ago I decided to ice skate on crusted snow? Well, doing a 'run' down a terrace in my front yard I caught a blade tip in the snow and did a face plant. Walked into the house hand covering my chin and went into the bathroom to check the damage. Raised my lower lip and suddenly I could see my teeth through a second hole in my face apparently created by the ice crust.
Took a trip to the emergency room and got sewed back together. The Princess was angry and took away my skates.

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