*sigh* I'm loosing my touch. (Warning: Hi-jacked by Em)

My prior experience is with dispatching edible animals and assisting in putting down pets humanely. Sadly, no experience from the people side, but I believe I have the tools necessary for this task.

Now all I need is a black hood with holes for the eyes.
I have the pictures - 'nough said.

I hope.
Seems to me, she's got a method ready-made for the purpose. He wants a boat - let him get one.

I let Critter get a boat - that 49er. That it hasn't killed him yet isn't the boat's fault, and it certainly isn't for lack of trying. Google "49er skiff" and you'll see a lot of images like this:

But you'll see almost as many that look like this

There's a reason for that.

is the boat's most stable position; it's the one in which it is most comfortable, and one it tries to assume at every opportunity. It will do anything it can to assume that position, including this:

The last time Critter's 49er did that ^^^, the mast snagged on some underwater debris; Critter and DS were stuck (see guys, it can happen on a boat) until they cut the lines to the mast and somebody gave them a tow to shore. The mast is still on the bottom of Lake Waccamaw . . . .

The 49er's opportunities to carry out what seems to be its primary mission are getting rarer, though. The problem, as you can see from the pictures, is that it take 2 people to sail, and the "crew" is my DS. "Milo" (gamer screen name) appears to have a better developed sense of self-preservation than his father, and one time when he was like this

it occurred to him that it might not be good for his health. He has become increasingly reluctant to go sailing.

So, Critter bought another boat, a Force 5.

It has the advantage that can be sailed by one person, so there is no need for Milo to risk his neck. It is also much more stable (aw, gee, what a shame).It also has the advantage that there are a few other people on this side of the universe that own the things, so it looks like he might find a few others to play with. If I'm not even there, it can't be my fault, right?

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