*sigh* I'm loosing my touch. (Warning: Hi-jacked by Em)

Everyone is the butt of the jokes at one point or another.
My thought exactly!
Can I be the head? I always wanted to be in charge!

Is this another Younger being bullied by you old people? Come over here in the dungeon, chickling, where it's safe from their prune-scented breath and knobbly knees.
Prune scented? Knobbly knees? Elders don't drink prune juice or eat prunes any more! We have better food and beverage these days. Of which youngers can't eat or imbibe. And no more knobbly knees what with new miracle knee replacements. Soon we will be Six Million Dollar Elders!

Of course it's not a Elders drink, prune juice that is it's a warrior's drink!

School kids are out by the time it was posted at most schools in the eastern time zone, don't know where chicken scout is posting from tho.....
Now, I don't know the layout of Alaskan's house, but I'd be willing to give you any odds you like that chicken scout was within the same time zone as Alaskan

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