*sigh* I'm loosing my touch. (Warning: Hi-jacked by Em)

Dessert??? What's for Dessert? Brownies? with nuts? Vehve is in charge! I want brownies!
Nice knowin' ya, chick.
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Hi, welcome to the kingdom!

Em, that's old news. The bunny population has declined since, but they were a major issue at one point. At night, you could easily see 50 of them eating grass on a lawn in the center of Helsinki. And foxes followed them too, I've seen foxes within a kilometer of the city center.
I'm guessing Finland ain't got no country boys that like rabbit and dumplings?

Well, I made some yummy tapioca... I'll share if you let me be in charge.
I want some!
Pampered? Pampered? The Queen started having a sharp, stabbing pain in my chest on the left side tonight. I told MFB I thought I might need to go to the hospital, I was hurting that bad. You know what he said? "Maybe your teeny tiny heart got wedged in between your ribs, and then you thought a happy thought and its swelling, and that's the pain. You know, like the Grinch."

I'm fine now...MFB...I'm thinking of smothering in his sleep.

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