*sigh* I'm loosing my touch. (Warning: Hi-jacked by Em)

Pampered? Pampered? The Queen started having a sharp, stabbing pain in my chest on the left side tonight. I told MFB I thought I might need to go to the hospital, I was hurting that bad. You know what he said? "Maybe your teeny tiny heart got wedged in between your ribs, and then you thought a happy thought and its swelling, and that's the pain. You know, like the Grinch."

I'm fine now...MFB...I'm thinking of smothering in his sleep.

why would you smother in your sleep? Your heart got so big that it squished you?
MFB, to move our rabbit problem to US terms, I doubt very much hunting would be tolerated within a couple of miles of 1600 Penn Ave, Washington DC. The groundskeeper of the botanical gardens of Helsinki did do a lot of hunting on their grounds though, he used a silenced shotgun. Our biggest newspaper did a story about him around the time when the bunny problem was at it's worst, it was around September and he had captured over 250 bunnies that year. He also shared some recipes, like rabbit and peach pizza (which sounds a bit weird).

Due to some movie I once saw, every time I read the word "tapioca" I pronounce it with a Minnesotan accent in my head.
In my current job if we don't perform a duty correctly, say giving medication, or responding to an illness or injury, we have to be "retrained". Perhaps MFB is in need of some retraining?
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I've also read about rabbit problems in southern California. Even one of the local collages had a problem because people were dropping off unwanted pet rabbits in the lush landscaping figuring the rabbits would be able to sustain themselves. The college posted signs noting a $500 fine for doing so. I can't imagine an open hunting season for rabbit on a college campus.
Hawaiian pizza is good, ham pineapple, bbq sauce but some people put spam on it, eeewwww, and also I have seen all sorts of weird veggies like artichoke hearts on it or even alfredo sauce, leave that garbage off please.....
I'd eat brownies with nuts in a hut I'd eat brownies with a mutt while I putt. Yes I would eat them and fill my gut. :p
ok so it's not exactly classic prose but you get the drift.

And whats wrong with pineapple on pizza. With ham it's sweet and savory.

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