*sigh* I'm loosing my touch. (Warning: Hi-jacked by Em)

Haha, I've never heard California referred to as the land of fruits and nuts, but that's hilarious, Bunny
Haha, I've never heard California referred to as the land of fruits and nuts, but that's hilarious, Bunny
Actually, California is the cereal bowl of the United States. Take out all the fruits and nuts and all you have left are flakes.

Of course someone from Cali will now inform me that I don't know the state very well.
Just about everything that is fun has a sticker saying blah blah blah...something about the state of california...fun police....
Even my lawn darts
The State of California has found that breathing contributes to your risk of cancer. So keep that in mind and consider safer alternative behavior.
I'm not doing nothin' in a buffalo herd! There is a buffalo farm not far from here. Every spring they hold a 'calving' day when people can come to the farm and observe the cows and calves. Yep, some fool with a camera entered one of the fields for close up shots - not a good idea.

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