*sigh* I'm loosing my touch. (Warning: Hi-jacked by Em)

I dunno know Sour.....

IT has gotten a bit cold and snowy up here... we have a full inch of the white stuff.... looks like fall.


That's just hateful on your part. OK, I'll keep the snow - please take the wind back.
I really hate winter winds - always have - always will. This is the second year that you have done this. I've half a mind to turn your entire flock broody - roosters, drakes, ganders included - How about you - ready for a little personal broodiness. Just how old is your youngest?
There's a chant and spell to cover every possibility.
Quote: actually.....spouse and I were just discussing how my eldest is going to a summer school thing in Anchorage... and will probably come home with uh..... what is the PC way to put it? Substance abuse problems and three kids.

Yep.... letting the kid be without his parents in the big city....
just how will that have a happy ending?

oh yeah, disease... he could also come back diseased
Your child will be fine - look at the example that you have set for him. The threat remains for your flock - what do you intend to do about the weather that you have sent from Alaska to the rest of us?
Hey Sour, I could hit Alaskan with the Rooster Voodoo Juju. . . . . .that stuff ain't funny at all!

Sniff, sniff , sniff. Ugh, Harvey is near by and he has definately been eating the brown moss! NO OPEN FLAMES OR SPARKS! That pooka could send himself into orbit without a spaceship! Wait a minute, Sour would love that!
Wouldn't that be "in vole?" (The horsey folks among us will get the pun - I expect to get things thrown at me in 3 . . . .2 . . . . .1 . . . .)

And voles have litters, don't they? Sounds like there may be a major population explosion in Alaska . . . which leads me to wonder, are voles like lemmings, migrating en masse when numbers get high enough?
Yes, it might be termed 'with vole' or perhaps 'in vole'. Multiples, hmm the amount selector on my broody GPS was set on infinity when I pointed it NNW, Homer, Alaska.
What will be will be.

Congratulations to the Alaskan family.

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