*sigh* I'm loosing my touch. (Warning: Hi-jacked by Em)

Fine as frogs' hair - AVG?
So on Saturday I shattered my ankle. I see an orthopedic surgeon on Friday. The ER Doctor said he was "80% sure" I needed to have surgery. So...yeah.
Guess I'd better get hopping on those sedan chair finalists - sounds like you needed 'em, like, yesterday. It's really not my fault, my
Queen - you know how easily distracted I am . . . . always runnin' down rabbit trails.

Seriously, though, I'm sorry to hear about your injury. With everything else that you have going on, you sure didn't need to get laid up with a broken leg! Prayers for speedy healing.
Sorta my own fault from what I'm being told. Years ago, back when I was young, I jogged. I broke my ankle. like many young people just starting out, I was also broke. So I just pulled up my big girl panties and tougher it out. Was back walking on it in a little over a week. Jogging in two. I did the same thing when I broke it the second time. This is the third time, and I didn't fall or trip. Was standing still, and my ankle gave out and snapped. Apparently it shattered and there's fragments of bone everywhere. Gonna cost us 500.00 for the orthopedic surgeon to even LOOK at it. Not sure which hurts worse...the ankle or my bank account.
Sorta my own fault from what I'm being told. Years ago, back when I was young, I jogged. I broke my ankle. like many young people just starting out, I was also broke. So I just pulled up my big girl panties and tougher it out. Was back walking on it in a little over a week. Jogging in two. I did the same thing when I broke it the second time. This is the third time, and I didn't fall or trip. Was standing still, and my ankle gave out and snapped. Apparently it shattered and there's fragments of bone everywhere. Gonna cost us 500.00 for the orthopedic surgeon to even LOOK at it. Not sure which hurts worse...the ankle or my bank account.

Oh my. Get well soon. :hugs
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