*sigh* I'm loosing my touch. (Warning: Hi-jacked by Em)

Oh, many years back, before I knew better... I took the eldest into the emergency room for a large 'C' shaped scalp cut. They just used super glue to close it, got glue all over my son's hair..and charged over $1,000 for less than an hour of work. Luckily the insurance paid for most of that bill, I think I 'only' paid 300 for a doctor and two nurses to squirt superglue all over my son's head. :rant

Never again.
I normally will not go to the doctor. Especially since everything last year, you can imagine I was less than thrilled to go again. Terry and my best friend Pat forced me to go. I swore it was just sprained. Still debating about whether I'm gonna gonna go Friday or not. (Do you know how many chickens I can buy with 500.00?) I am in a lot of pain though, so I'm leaning toward going.
Though I hate doctors... I vote for you going, havng it looked at, amd even "gasp wheeze" letting them operate on that thing that used to be an ankle. :rolleyes:

Now, if you had a cut... I would super glue the sucker closed without leaving the house. :D
I normally will not go to the doctor. Especially since everything last year, you can imagine I was less than thrilled to go again. Terry and my best friend Pat forced me to go. I swore it was just sprained. Still debating about whether I'm gonna gonna go Friday or not. (Do you know how many chickens I can buy with 500.00?) I am in a lot of pain though, so I'm leaning toward going.

Umm, I think you should go. That ankle is going to have to support you for the next 60 + years.
Using my 15,000th post to express hope that you have gone to the doctor, and gotten good news, Em.
I went. It's in a cast. If I still am unable to put weight on it in another week, surgery is my next step. And that was the good news. Bad news is my ankles are weak and I'll do this again, each time will be worse. I'm on some decent pain killers though.

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