*sigh* I'm loosing my touch. (Warning: Hi-jacked by Em)

Spook is seriously scared of water.

You can't pull me behind a boat.

I can't swim. I know people can float. I've seen them.

But I've got a theory that fat people sink.
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Thin people sink too, did you know that?

My very first swimming lesson, I went straight to the bottom of the pool like a rock, despite being given three floating aids on each arm, and had to be hauled up shrieking by the instructor.

Didn't go near a pool for three years after that.
I really shouldn't post this, but I will.

I have seen people swim, I have seen people float.
It really looks like a lot of fun.

I have tried to float. But Spooks don't take chances.

I have tried to float in the bathtub.

No matter how much water I put in the tub with me,
Spooks don't float.

Why the tub and not the pool?

I don't get in the pool very often. Pretty deep for a midget.
So the tub looked safer. Little shallower, you know. I figure that
not even I could drown in the bathtub if I got in trouble.

So I tried it out.

I don't know how to float.

I held my breath.

I sunk.

I let all my breath out.

I sunk.

--I spent some serious time on this.--

My legs can float.

My arms can float.

It's the rest of me that doesn't float.

I tried adding some Mr. Bubbles. Didn't help. I still sunk.

I need that science guy, Aqua Eyes, to tell me why I can't float.
He's smart, he'll know. He knows everything.

How deep does the water have to be for me to actually float?
Do fat people really float?

Spook...who doesn't do water well

And yes, we have a pool. Big scary thing. Wife and daughter love it.
Me, not so much.

But I get in. I have my own life jacket I swiped from my uncles boat
when he wasn't looking.

And I have some little floaty things for my arms.
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Well, I don't know everything like Aqua Eyes but.....
I was thinking that eating beans (and maybe some raw cabbage) a few hours before going in the water, would most definately cause you to float.

I've not tried this myself but it seems like a scientifically sound hypothesis.
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