*sigh* I'm loosing my touch. (Warning: Hi-jacked by Em)

Hi Tani!
Where has Eenie and Erner been lately huh?

Orps, put your bucket on. You're too young for a boyfriend.
Lawyer, Perry, has the Royal Jewels?

I'm back. What are you planning to do to th Princess with a canon? I don't approve of that canonization.
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Nah, I'm alive, and so is Erner. :p
I've just been feeling very hermit-ish lately, so I keep up with my PMs and emails, but that's about it.
Getting ready for our next co-op semester is in full swing, so my mom is using the computer a lot and it isn't so available to me.

So... I'll come and hang out with y'all eventually.
Sorry I've been gone so long. We got some heavy rains and it knocked my dial-up out.
I hope Orps is all right, I've been under the weather myself. Anyway my dear Queen large gemstones can be recut and put in a different setting, not that I'm accusing anybody of anything, just stating a fact. Sourland, I hope you and the Princess had fun.
Sour,welcome back!
In an earlier post I sald I don't do jewels,too hard to sell without gettting caught>
(us lawyers try to avoid jail time)
Now, gold coins or ingots..........................


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