*sigh* I'm loosing my touch. (Warning: Hi-jacked by Em)

I can't believe I telling you this Sour, your gonna have revive the old romantic in you. You're gonna have to reach deep inside and awaken the sparkly boy.You gotta sweep her off of her feet! You're a cook, cook something special, really special!
Tried all that, JD - tonight I prepared lemon pepper, garlic, paprika pork loin with sweet and sour red cabbage, mashed potatoes and gravy, and green beans.

Didn't work - she put the red rose in a vase on the table along with an 'evidence' photo of me with the lipstick on my cheek.
Red cabbage. You had to do something in red. I can see this is gonna be a work in progress. Sour, your gonna have to spend some green, sorry. I don't know if the Princess likes this but a rtip to the salon sounds in order. And don't go cheap, I'm talking the works. Pamper the heck out of the Princess. And in the mean time don't look for anything in return. It'll all come in time, but be warned, she might be very appreciative, and I do mean very!!!
Tried all that, JD - tonight I prepared lemon pepper, garlic, paprika pork loin with sweet and sour red cabbage, mashed potatoes and gravy, and green beans. :drool

Didn't work - she put the red rose in a vase on the table along with an 'evidence' photo of me with the lipstick on my cheek. :oops:

Humm, lets see here,...LEMON pepper,.. PAPRIKA pork, RED cabbage,...

Yeah, i'd say he's crossed over...
Just sayin,.. :D
Sour, I think this is a case of shiny baubles. You must buy her something shiny, useless, and very expensive. At least, that always works for me...Talk to Spook. He has an "In" with the bubble gum guy.
I've also heard that time wounds all heels . . . .

Sorry Sour, can't help you out here. Hubby has trained me too well. I don't do mad well anyway (it's my mom's gig, not mine), and it doesn't do any good to put him in the doghouse. He has the most convenient forgetter I have ever seen. I mean, if you have to explain why you are mad at someone (and he genuinely doesn't know, most of the time), what's the point?
It feels too much like parenting.

And wow, JD gets nasty when he gets nasty, doesn't he?
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lady sounds as if you and your husband have the normal husband/wife relationship. Usually we have no clue as to exactly why we are in trouble.

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