*sigh* I'm loosing my touch. (Warning: Hi-jacked by Em)

I used to have threadkilleritus. The good Queen cured me so to speak.
I, on the other hand, have an annoying talent for minding my own business. I mean, look at that! I've been on this forum for over 2 years, and I haven't yet reached 1000 posts. I've posted more in the last month than I did in the entire previous year. My friends on Marestare think I've dropped off the face of the planet, because I seldom post over there, either. I'm reading, I just can't think of anything to say that I think anyone wants to hear.

But I don't think this thread is dying. Most of us have been so involved in the War of the Colors we don't seem to be getting back here much. Sour's in a bit of a pickle right now . . . .
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Well, if I know anything about spells from all the fantasy books I read (or by the fact that I'm a fairy queen,) a spell can be broken by true love's kiss. So, go get the Princess to kiss you, and BOOM! You are unspelled.
Well, both of you had the same solution, but Sourland hasn't been getting much kissin' ever since the red rose, lipstick, and state of dress or not in which I was found I was found.

Have I mentioned that I stutter when nervous?
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