*sigh* I'm loosing my touch. (Warning: Hi-jacked by Em)

'Contrary' - that's a fitting word don't ya think?

For whom?

Greetings, Queen Em
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Sour, you know how old she is so stop making out like she's older than she is! So George, put down the shovel. Anyway there seems to be considerable changes coming for me too. Looks like I might be leaving my place of employment and I'll be starting gunsmithing, and it's about time. I might be full time farming too.
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Yeah Bunny, exciting and a bit scary. No safety net so to speak. It's something I'm really good at and am passionate about. It sure beats having to do 90+% of the work where I've been working. Besides I'm not sure my body can take much more of that! Oh, cash crop farming is old hat for me, been doing since I was 8 years old. Thanks Perry/Todd.
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As the original Elder and Queen, I think my age is somewhat in doubt so to speak.
You never know how old I am. 24? 25? 36? 47? 58? 69? 70? Wait...*I* don't remember how old I am!

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