*sigh* I'm loosing my touch. (Warning: Hi-jacked by Em)

Hi, bluesub. I concur with the micro chipping and SHOCK collar.

Be careful about that enthusiasm Sour. Em may contemplate putting one on you if you keep thinking about visiting the red side, just sayin'.
I thought only Tani was in the dungeon. The shock collar is just to keep Eenie on the palace grounds - I had the wire buried around the perimeter. I also installed it near the moats to keep her safe. The squid are hungry - have any sparkly boys?
How about I adopt Eenie? I am planning her wedding ater all, and monitoring her bride-price (so far, it's 28 lovely camels) AND joining a prayer group with her. I'll feed her, walk her, change her newspapers... pleeeeeeeease?

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