*sigh* I'm loosing my touch. (Warning: Hi-jacked by Em)

I thought only Tani was in the dungeon. The shock collar is just to keep Eenie on the palace grounds - I had the wire buried around the perimeter. I also installed it near the moats to keep her safe. The squid are hungry - have any sparkly boys?
Eenie, Tani...Dungeon for you two!

They've both been there for almost a week, unless someone else let them out.

Somehow, Tani being responsible for Eenie seems to me like a case of "the blind leading the blind." Or would it be "aiding and abetting?"

Do any of the squid in the moat look like this?

JD, been hanging in there. Been better, been worse. Can't complain too much.

Tani, I don't think you're old enough to handle the enormous responsibility of having a human pet. Maybe in a few years. How about a goldfish?

Bunny's right,...how did Eenie get out of the dungeon? Blue, you better look into the security down there...
JD, been hanging in there. Been better, been worse. Can't complain too much.

Tani, I don't think you're old enough to handle the enormous responsibility of having a human pet. Maybe in a few years. How about a goldfish?

Bunny's right,...how did Eenie get out of the dungeon? Blue, you better look into the security down there...

Heading back down there now... *sigh* I had to go to classes today!
You don't want me skipping when I stand a good chance of getting a PROMOTION, now do you? Think of how proud you would be of your little Eenie if she landed the position of PFC or official supplies coordinator.

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