*sigh* I'm loosing my touch. (Warning: Hi-jacked by Em)

My fluffy little kitty is named prissy, acts more like her name minus the r . When she's mad she can scream like a banshee, especially if it's another cat she doesn't like. I'm the only human she'll come around, and she absolutely adores me. I wish she could calm down with those claws. But I adore her too, claws, screams and all. Oh, she has topaz blue eyes too. I also have four more laid back barn cats all a bunch of love bugs with humans and cats. Easy going as they can be.
Sadly, Eenie has only attracted a small amount of attention from one clueless, unhelpful, and yet apparently adorable person by the name of "Kody." I doubt this is his real moniker, and I bet he walks with a limp not because of any problems he has, but because he was shot in his dealings with the Russian Mob and/or the KGB.

Can we investigate? Oh pretty please? *flutters eyelashes*

ETA: ooh! I just made a nickname! Comrade Kody!
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Tani, I must let you know the Russian mob punishes people with battery acid on the hands. The K.G.B. shoots people behind the right ear or the base of the head.The Pistolet Makarova is not particularly powerful. I should know, I own one. Now the Ruskie mob and K.G.B. is known to shank people in the leg, ouch! Oh, and stop fluttering your lashes. That kind of stuff got you thrown in the dungeon in the first place.
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Still dealing with the aftershocks, eh? That was a near thing - I was really afraid you were going in the moat for sure. I don't think it was fair of Queen Em
to blame you for infecting the youngers with Flirtyitis, though. From what I can see, they've got pretty well established cases. I suspect they've had it a lot longer than they've known you!
Bunny, I have to admit my up close vision sometimes is a bit blurry. I'm ever so slightly far sighted. I thought my sparlky-o-meter was reading 3, now I think it may have been reading 8. That would explain why Bluesub was upset that I didn't flirt with her, Redhen almost came over to the green, and even you were being effected. Oh dear Lord. Older guys have no business playing around with the sparkly! Especially around teenagers!
They naturally have flirtyitus and the sparkly makes it much, much worse.
Yeah, older folks know sparkly for what it is. It can be fun to play with, but it's risky business to mess with it around youngers. They don't know how to deal with it!

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