*sigh* I'm loosing my touch. (Warning: Hi-jacked by Em)

- what was his reaction?
I sorta lost my temper today. A man in Wal-Mart was verbally berating a young Latino woman with 3 small children in front of the pork chops. Singing the National Anthem, and remarked "I'm tired of you wetbacks. It's time we took our country back!"

I calmly walked up to him, announced my Native American heritage and explained I agreed, we should have our country back...how soon could he pack?
People like that drive me insane!
It doesnt matter to me what color we are or where we come from (I have ancestors who came across from Scotland 11 years after the Mayflower, my great-great-grandfather was a general in the russian army, my great-grandmother on the other side is native american!) What matters is that we're americans, and we should protect each other and respect each other.
He opened and closed his mouth a few times and then walked away. I'm not sure if it was the point I made, the tone of my voice, or the fact that my family and I are very well known here, but he didn't seem to want to argue with me. I'm not one to make a scene, but I will not abide a bully.
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He made the scene - you stood up to a bully. With so many kids taking drastic measures nowadays to stop being bullied, I'd say you are setting an excellent example of how to stop it. Oh, and there's a certain horse we were introduced to a while ago who knows you are a hero! We subjects up here in the northern kingdom are in awe!
Who's willing to bet that our own dear sweet Em
has indeed made a scene in public before?

No stranger to the game.

Matter of fact, lets all tell about some "scene" we
made in public. And as they say,....Ladies first.

Bunny, Em...all them other females here, tell us...

Spook....whos wife makes me be good in public.

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