*sigh* I'm loosing my touch. (Warning: Hi-jacked by Em)

Oh, yes, Sour loves to take a dip when he goes fishing
- though don't expect him to join you here.
Thinking about Sour's adventure reminded me of a war story. I don't tell them often, but this one is noteworthy.

We got a call one night in a residential area that there was a naked man hiding in the shrubbery outside a house full of college co-eds. I was about the third car there and the first officers on scene had found the guy and had him standing in the front yard, three spotlights trained on him and only one hand up (the other was strategically positioned below his waist.) There was a fairly large crowd of onlookers, mostly girls. I assessed the scene and walked over to one of the spotlights and turned it off. When I turned off the second one, a couple of officers objected, I said, "Look guys, he is obviously not armed and not combative, lets cut him a break here." I sent one of the girls to find something she could spare him to put on so we could talk to him. She came back with a pair of men's gym shorts for which the poor guy was grateful. His story was quite interesting.

It seems he had a date with his on-again-off-again girlfriend. His roommate let him borrow his car to take her to dinner, the roommate wasn't going to need it, he was going out of town. While eating, they got into a heated argument and she became furious and demanded to be taken home. He was driving her home through this area and trying to reconcile when she suddenly told him she wanted him. She didn't want to wait until they got back to her place, she wanted him to pull over right there. He said he was confused but compliant and once he was naked, she grabbed his clothes and jumped out of the car and ran down the street. He jumped out and ran after her, then thought better of it. When he went back to the car, the doors were all locked and the keys were inside. He hid in the bushes while trying to figure out what to do. Poor guy, he had no money, no cell phone, no ID, all of that was in his pants, which she had. To top it off, we are not allowed to open locked car doors for anyone but the registered owner of the vehicle. We made an exception that night and bent the rules, that guy really needed a break.
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I don't know...I don't think women can help the way they are.

Me, I'm tired and I hurt all over. I went jogging today.

Made it about five steps, and fell over huffing and puffing.
I'm starting to think I'm not cut out for this exercise stuff.

I even bounced that new basketball.

Actually I was just carrying it. And I dropped it, it bounced a
few times and rolled under the truck.

It's still under the truck. I need to teach my dog how to fetch.

Honestly, in high school I played basketball and ran track.
But that was about a hundred years ago. Lot more of Spook
these days.

Spook...I'm twice the man I use to be.

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