*sigh* I'm loosing my touch. (Warning: Hi-jacked by Em)

Good Heavens, Sour, hasn't that boy been fitted with a trash can yet? What can his parents be thinking?!
I'm really concerned that my grand son is destined to be a 'General Sparkly'. He has always been a good kid - articulate, kind, empathetic, good looking - get the picture? Now that testosterone is running rampant, I detect clouds of sparkle surrounding him in a false halo like shroud. What's a grandfather to do? Nothing.

You should invite him to the Kingdom. Might be fun for those of us languishing in the dungeon.
Better safe than sorry. Can you tell that I was an over protective father?
Apparently it did no good from stories that are starting to emerge.
For some reason, I am reminded of a notorious episode of Mythbusters. Scotty (female) and Kari (female) are watching as Tory (male) rides around them on a bicycle. Scotty says to Kari, "let's egg him on until he hurts himself." Sure enough, Tory tries to jump a little red wagon with said bike, and winds up doing a face plant. The siren's song of female attention can lead any sparkly to his destruction.
"He is the very model of a modern Sparkly General
Can be in form of human, giant, ogre, even animal
He'll tell you kingdom stories that are comical or tragical
But get him 'round a lady and he gets almost magical."

Actually, JD, since I got the Bun Vac (not the 6000 model, that's wayy too much!) it has been a lot easier to keep up with the mess around here. Don't know if it can handle the output of a professional grade sparkly, though.
Almost magical? Hee hee hee, you ain't seen nothing yet! As for the Bun Vac, it's gonna be hard pressed to keep up if I increase my glitter output. . . . seeing as I've never gone over 10% sparkle on this thread. By the way, I don't have to be the Big Kitty to purr. . . . .sometimes I purr while in my human form. . . . . .just sayin'.

Oh by the way, any sparkly can be led to destruction by a female's siren song? Ahem, I beg to differ.
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