*sigh* I'm loosing my touch. (Warning: Hi-jacked by Em)

Some people don't have enough drama in their lives; they have to manufacture it where it doesn't exist.

Afraid of dogs? If you are someone like my son, who was bitten twice (once in the face) before he was 3 years old - yeah, I can see it. But even he understands when a dog isn't a threat. How a guy can have done this sort of work for 14 years and still be that freaked out by the working conditions is beyond me. Maybe he only recently wound up in the field, and previously just answered phones?
Some people don't have enough drama in their lives; they have to manufacture it where it doesn't exist.

How a guy can have done this sort of work for 14 years and still be that freaked out by the working conditions is beyond me. Maybe he only recently wound up in the field, and previously just answered phones?

This is a strong possibility. I swear he acted as if he were afraid to walk on my lawn. Getting the ladder set up was drama, and when he went to take it down --
The ladder was set up about 2' from the power line coming into the house. He says, "I'm worried about hitting that power line. I'm not sure how to get this ladder down. I suggested, "I'll stabilize the base. You tip the ladder towards you - away from the power lines." We did, it worked, and he left completely unscathed yet stressed from all of the pressure.

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