*sigh* I'm loosing my touch. (Warning: Hi-jacked by Em)

Alaskan, where are your manners? Surely there are enough shiny chickies for everyone. Tsk, tsk.

I'm afraid this one got left out in the weather, and all of the shine has gone away. Y'see, this is where the saying, "madder than a wet hen" comes from - If you leave your chickens out in the weather, they RUST, and they do pride themselves in their appearance.
Oh! Oh! Mine! MY SHINY CHICKIE! Gimme, gimme!!

I ate the shiny chicken at the moat barbecue, and it was GOOD.
Sparkly sparklies,

Sparkly sparklies!


And, those tooth shards made a lovely necklace. The pieces too small to drill a hike through, were given to the chickens as grit.
Well now, moxie, we'll be glad to schedule another moat picnic - the denizens would love to meat you. Where did my emoticons go?

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