*sigh* I'm loosing my touch. (Warning: Hi-jacked by Em)

Tears become fears become screams become blood -----------------------------  No, no that was last night's nightmare.

Holmboy would you like to meet us down between the moats for a picnic - sort of an introductory fete?  :celebrate

Yeah the leaches and fish love to be introduced to a new taste. :oops:
Hey, Mitch.
Missed ya at the last party. We're having a meet and greet. Would really like you to help welcome Holmboy and Cynthia at the intra moat picnic. I've still got your updated Kingdom card.
Hey, Mitch.  :clap   Missed ya at the last party.  We're having a meet and greet.  Would really like you to help welcome Holmboy and Cynthia at the intra moat picnic.  I've still got your updated Kingdom card.

Just how big is this card?

What is this card made out of?


Does Alaskan have a card?

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