*sigh* I'm loosing my touch. (Warning: Hi-jacked by Em)

It looks like what is left of the world at the the end of "The Never-Ending Story" .
You'd think I'd know better by now, wouldn't you?

Yesterday, I threw caution to the wind and declared war on some wasps that were living in the barn. Once I had them really stirred up and angry, I stayed a little too close for a little too long, and one of the little beasties nailed me - got me about halfway between my left ear and eye. I had to run to the house and get some ammonia on that in a hurry; I generally swell up an area as large as I can cover with one hand (fingers spread) when I get stung. Wasn't quite quick enough; I keep rediscovering that the side of my face is a little puffy and tender today.

Obviously, it could have been a whole lot worse. I really should have asked Critter to deal with them; they barely affect him at all. When I confessed to Critter what I had done, he said, "good thing you don't react badly to bee stings."

"Seriously? You don't remember me with my left arm swollen from elbow to knuckles that time a wasp got up my sleeve? Or me spending a week unable to get a shoe on, because my foot looked like a football with toes?"

"I don't remember what I did two days ago!"

Maybe I should just be glad he still remembers where "home" is?!
You'd think I'd know better by now, wouldn't you?

Yesterday, I threw caution to the wind and declared war on some wasps that were living in the barn. Once I had them really stirred up and angry, I stayed a little too close for a little too long, and one of the little beasties nailed me - got me about halfway between my left ear and eye. I had to run to the house and get some ammonia on that in a hurry; I generally swell up an area as large as I can cover with one hand (fingers spread) when I get stung. Wasn't quite quick enough; I keep rediscovering that the side of my face is a little puffy and tender today.

Obviously, it could have been a whole lot worse. I really should have asked Critter to deal with them; they barely affect him at all. When I confessed to Critter what I had done, he said, "good thing you don't react badly to bee stings."

"Seriously? You don't remember me with my left arm swollen from elbow to knuckles that time a wasp got up my sleeve? Or me spending a week unable to get a shoe on, because my foot looked like a football with toes?"

"I don't remember what I did two days ago!"

Maybe I should just be glad he still remembers where "home" is?!

The last time I was stung by a wasp was when I was 16 or so. I reached into a prune tree to get a prune to throw at the neighbor. I touched the back of a hornets nest and was stung multiple times. The was the only time a sting made me swell.

I suppose it is a good thing that I have been more careful.

Did you get rid of the Hornets?

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