*sigh* I'm loosing my touch. (Warning: Hi-jacked by Em)

Some people don't recognize when a job is finished, and some never seem to get the job done.
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Originally Posted by ronott1

Originally Posted by Bunnylady

I dunno, Ron. Watch his eyes - he's scanning, scanning, turns his head and the scenery behind them swings shortly afterward. That looks like he's driving to me; granted, I don't see his right hand come up when they turn.
Look at the other Guy, he is doing that too.

In my imagination, Mom is up front in a Frozen costume driving them while Sister is filming them.

It looks like an SUV or Min Van.
I see the behavior of two people in the front seat, with a windshield to look through in front of them, rather than the backs of the front seats to look around (looks like that's what is reflecting in their eyes, too). The camera (phone?) is too steady to be hand-held; I believe it is mounted/sitting on the dashboard.

And really - what mother wouldn't kill that clown in the back seat for putting his feet on the roof?!!

The vehicle looks like it's going around in circles like a parking lot or an subdivision in the middle of the day with absolutely no one out. And yes the guy in the back seat needs to keep his feet to himself!
You guys, check out the car..like someone else said in another thread, the car looks like rubber. Ha, it's not moving. They have a screen or something behind them. I think it's ok for the driver to take his eyes off of the road..what road?

What's funny is, I am finding that so many people will take apart a video. he he..probably do the same with movies. Like me! Just last night, in a movie made back in the 70's, supposed to be early western days before cars planes and automobiles, I saw, right there in the blue blue sky, a jet stream. Had to point it out to my DH. lol...and, I notice shadows on backgrounds where it's supposed to be a mountain and hills in the distance. We just didn't notice those kinds of things back in the day..at least I didn't. I was too young to care I guess. I was pretty young with the black and white movies. Shadows, everywhere..now I notice. :D
I find myself doing that more and more. It's getting so I can't even watch a TV show without looking for what's wrong with the technical stuff!

Watch old star trek in HD on a big screen.


X2!!! Absolutely. I can't believe we thought that was so advanced!

Quote: However they did it SUV, Mom, parking lot - They are still hillarious!

@Bunnylady This one's for you...A bunny princess, prom queen, Miss America or would she be Glenda the Good Witch?

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