*sigh* I'm loosing my touch. (Warning: Hi-jacked by Em)

I think at one point he was. I sent him an email. Last I spoke to him, he and the wife were RVing on the beach.

Royd I KNOW was banned. But surely that's up by now?
Al, I am not evil. Sometimes a bit blunt and misunderstood, but never evil. No links will be given as that can be viewed as trolling, and I never troll unless fishing.
Yes... That always puzzles me.... That trolling, which is good while fishing....

Is bad while online. ....

And fishing is good in real life....

But fishing is bad online.

I think they should have picked a word like "mining" or "planting mines" no one thinks land mines are good... They are always bad.
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Yes... That always puzzles me.... That trolling, which is good while fishing....

Is bad while online. ....

And fishing is good in real life....

But fishing is bad online.

I think they should have picked a word like "mining" or "planting mines" no one thinks land mines are good... They are always bad.
It is phishing, or a phishing scam.

This scam gets people here at UC Davis to give up their username and password....Quite sad....
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I had what I think was a 'phishing scam' phone call last night. "Sir, my name is Oscar and we have received notification of thousands of attacks on your computer. Please now to give me your ------------------". My reply, "Why are you calling me at 9:45 at night, and where is that accent from? And do you really think that I am foolish enough to give you ANY personal information?" I then pretended to have a heart attack, and Oscar quickly hung up.
Seriously, thousands of attacks on my computer?
I had what I think was a 'phishing scam' phone call last night. "Sir, my name is Oscar and we have received notification of thousands of attacks on your computer. Please now to give me your ------------------". My reply, "Why are you calling me at 9:45 at night, and where is that accent from? And do you really think that I am foolish enough to give you ANY personal information?" I then pretended to have a heart attack, and Oscar quickly hung up.
Seriously, thousands of attacks on my computer?

We've had the same phone calls..my computer needs fixing!

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