*sigh* I'm loosing my touch. (Warning: Hi-jacked by Em)

So you don't even know what your own minion is doing? Have you read the hidden chapter in the minion handbook about her plans to overthrow you yet?

Bluesub is an ever loyal minion. She would never overthrow me. Her benefits package is way too good.

Perhaps she won't...still, you'd better set up the Plans-For-Overthrowing-Queen-Em detectors.
Bluesub is an ever loyal minion. She would never overthrow me. Her benefits package is way too good.

Perhaps she won't...still, you'd better set up the Plans-For-Overthrowing-Queen-Em detectors.

That can be your job.
Perhaps she won't...still, you'd better set up the Plans-For-Overthrowing-Queen-Em detectors.

That can be your job.

Okay, then.
She has faith in me, that's why I'm top minion... plus I don't even want her job, it's too much work.

YES! Bluesub, my faithful minion. Set our newest minion up with her starter pack.
Will do, can't remember what is in the starter pack, since someone else used to be in charge of them, but we have an excellent benefits package.

Found it, CoyoteMagic is in charge of starter packs...

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Fine, I'll work on the job opportunity post.

Wanted: Part-time minion to hand out benefits package. Compensation: Gratitude of the Queen. Hours: Odd. Co-workers: Odd.
Welcome to BYC. Flattery (and bribery) will get you everywhere.
I think I would like a cupcake, thank you. The one mistake you made was assuming MBF and I would share nicely. We never share nicely. There will be a battle for the junk food. (Let's go MFB.....its on like Donkey Kong!

I see that you have agreed to be Em's minion.
You picked the wrong side. I will be waiting when you see the error of your ways. Just ask Eenie, she will tell you.

You know, I just noticed the skull on those cupcakes. I think I will share with my good buddy MFB. In fact, I will give him the first bite.

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