*sigh* I'm loosing my touch. (Warning: Hi-jacked by Em)

Hey, I'll adopt a daughter if ya bring one this way!
A beach trip? As in sand, water, whales, sharks?

I don't remember discussing proper beach attire with
anyone here. Was I absent that day? Distracted by the
smell of fresh brownies?

There is a REASON they make sand-buckets. BEACH ATTIRE!!!

And your great grandma's gay 90's bathing suits... they were the
IN thing.

They were the IN thing becasue they kept everything IN.

Why would you go to the beach? Surely you at least had proper
escorts? Tell me you did that much? You didn't wear one of those
skimpy two piece suits? Surely not...

Hip waders...that's what you need on beach trips. Gay 90's suits,
sand-buckets and hip waders...

I'm not kidding...I've been to the beach, I've seen those itty bitty things
the girls swim around in, teasing the boys. Made my heart beat strange,
I darn near dropped a brownie.

So...we better mark the beach trips off.

Sides, I've read about a few of them shark attacks this year. You don't want
to get eaten by a shark, or a whale or anything do you?

Spook....just amazed by the things the kids do.
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I'm allowed to forgo it at home.

Tani's back!

And my front's back too! But I just missed Gabe (as in he got off 30 seconds before I logged in

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