*sigh* I'm loosing my touch. (Warning: Hi-jacked by Em)

Feel better soon, Em.
Are you sure they aren't the same person (with a wig and contacts)?

Well, they were standing next to each other and talking together, so I highly doubt it. Plus, Gabe1 was wearing a ridiculous trench coat, and Gabe2 had on a shirt with a collar and slacks. Different fashion sense, different voices, and Gabe2 is nicer.
But don't tell Gabe1 I said that...
Gabe 1 and Gabe 2 ?

Dr. Suess had a book something like that, Thing 1 and Thing 2.

It isn't them is it?

And I don't know about this "high-fiving" thing...that sounds a lot
like touching. And touching is against the rules... we might need a
Elder conference about the issue.

Just as soon as the Elders get well enough to conference.


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