*sigh* I'm loosing my touch. (Warning: Hi-jacked by Em)

Joe, 'sparkly' is dangerous. I chased off hundreds - turned my back and one sneaked in and ran off with my daughter. That fool went and married her ---

I don't know what sparkly means, sorry
Spending time around the home certainly won't be boring on this April Fool's day, Taurus. A Moon-Uranus combination forms that is full of laughs and fun, but because of the Zodiacal house in which Uranus is located, you're not likely to anticipate what's going to happen. The good news is that it's not likely to be unfavorable for you unless there is something you've been trying to hide or avoid that comes out in the open. This is, however, the kind of combination that will catch you unaware, but results in a happy ending.
Compatibility: Cancer
Mood: Helpful
Your Daily Lucky Color: Red
Lucky Number: 6
Lucky Time of Day: 7pm

My Horoscope today is up there LOL
Do you know who I am? I am in charge of the Queen's moats.
How old am I? You should learn early in life that it is best to reply 24 years old...
Why am I blue? Bluesub is short for Blue Submarine - I am often out collecting new animals for the moat.

What is my official position? Top minion
Does the Queen listen to me? The Queen listens to no one
How many people are currently in the dungeon? Three - Tani, Eenie and now Lydia (Chickenlover16)
The point of the quiz is to see if you end up in the moat or beside the moat.
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Hmm, perhaps Joe is harmless??? Nope that's an impossibility. He is after all a self admitted 'sparkly boy'. What are your intentions, young man. What color is green????????????

It's true that he admitted to being sparkly, but he is a lot of fun on this thread - should we tell him what lives in the freshwater moat? Maybe just the knowledge will keep him in line...
Orps, you actually posted that RED is your daily lucky color? Not a very smart move for someone who wants to return to the green. Bad move young lady.

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