*sigh* I'm loosing my touch. (Warning: Hi-jacked by Em)

cl 16, I have a question for you. Are you going to be wearing a helmet, a.k.a. a brain bucket, when Joe comes to pick you up? And there's only one right answer. And it better be the truth!


No, she will not wear the bucket and she plans on holding on to his body.

LOL yes I do

Sour, she'd better wear the bucket, er helmet. If this Joe wants to keep giving her rides he needs to get a shorty bar on back, a princess seat for her to sit on and some highway pegs for her feet. A full set of leathers with kevlar panels would be a plus also.

Not going to happen
No, she will not wear the bucket and she plans on holding on to his body.

is that what you are all so worried about? well I'm not going to add a bar because it is fun to have her hold onto me, but I'll tell you what, I'll wear a really thick leather jacket, sound good?
It could be the Hulk amount of steroids I'm on talking....but I still say a good beheading would be much more fun. We haven't had one in ages. I think we still have popcorn...

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