*sigh* I'm loosing my touch. (Warning: Hi-jacked by Em)

Don't be blaming me for anything else.

Oh, shoot, why not? Surely Em has taken the heat for enough things for a while, isn't it your turn yet?

. . . . And it is now official, we have survived another family vacation. There were so many of us this time, we rented two smaller beach houses that were side-by-side, rather than try to find one house big enough to house the whole clan. Once again, the chosen location was a beach about an hour from our house. As I have in the past, I spent the nights at the beach house, and came home every day to see to the critters. It's not quite as nuts as it sounds - at least, not to me. Y'see, I'm really not a beach bunny. While I love the laid back, shabby-chic atmosphere that can still be found in a lot of our beach towns, I don't love getting a killer headache baking out on the strand while the wind blows sand in my eyes, and I'd rather not spend the whole day watching cable at the beach house, either. And while I love these folks, I prefer to take them in smaller doses - which I believe is the best way to deal with me, too. This way, I am spared the tiresomeness of the middle of the day, but still get to enjoy some of the things that I do like. Like walking on the beach in the early morning, before it gets screamingly hot and covered with tourists, or an evening stroll, with a little smoochin' in the moonlight (though that really freaks out the kids hunting ghost crabs with flashlights!
) Hubby got to go sailing a couple of times, but for the most part, he's been bored out of his gourd down there. Apparently, girl watching just isn't as much fun as it once was!
We could start a whole new thread about 'family vacations'. My family in addition to the Princess and I consists of 'non-think', conservative, republican, dog lovers on the one side and 'non-think, liberal, Democrat, cat lovers on the other.
The key descriptors here being the 'non-think'. I think they have finally been educated to act 'nice' or Pa (that would be Sourland) will strip his gears. No one upsets the Princess! Well, perhaps me upon occasion.

I think that today is Happy Birthday, Tani day. Happy birthday, Tani.
G'night, Java. (also 2 words!)

HBD, Tani!

There isn't usually much drama with this family; most of it this time was provided by a couple of toddlers. And of course, the usual elephants in the room . . . .
Family vacations?!? I avoid those like the plague! There is always someone that has to act the fool.

Oh by the way, cat loving consitutionalist/ constuctionist libertarian here. I know, I'm an oddball.

My family hasn't been on vacation since I was nine... Ah, the days when our cars had AC. It was a four week vacation, two weeks spent driving through various states, and me resolving never to go to Colorado again...

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